CaseCTRL Intern Spotlight: Archana Revanur!

CaseCTRL Intern Spotlight: Archana Revanur!

CaseCTRL would like to highlight one of summer interns, Archana Revanur, in the 'Intern Spotlight' Series!

Archana is a rising sophomore at the University of Texas, at Austin, with a major in Management Information Systems and minor in Marketing. At CaseCTRL, and is our summer Sales and Marketing Intern. 

"I saw CaseCTRL as a good fit for me when I saw potential for growth in a fast-paced and hands-on environment. With such an innovative and passionate team, I always feel in the loop with deliverables and understood by all my colleagues. Beyond honing my professional and personal skills, I also believe in CaseCTRL as a service, since I come from a family who actually faced surgery complications beyond the OR room." 


Despite a virtual experience, I always feel connected to my colleagues because we all got to "share" each other's homes, where I also got to meet a cute baby girl during an all-team meeting!"


      Here is a collage to share more about Archana:

Casectrl intern


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