caseCTRL Blog

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March 12, 2023
7 Ways to Increase Referrals for Surgery Scheduling by 15%
Reaching new surgical patients is vital to driving more surgery scheduling and volume in your practice. There are several strategies that you can use to increase surgical referrals to your practice....
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March 10, 2023
The 4 Ways your EMR Falls Short for Surgery Scheduling
Does your team find your Electronic Medical Record (EMR) surgery scheduling functions to be lacking? Are users searching multiple calendars, task lists, or encounters to get the information they need...
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July 18, 2022
5 Surgery Scheduling Process Changes to Improve On-Time Starts
The most valuable resource in your OR is time. Efficient surgery operations rely on procedures starting on time. However, as any operating room manager knows, countless unforeseen obstacles can get...
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July 5, 2022
6 Surgical Scheduling Tips for the Reluctant Patient
When people postpone, cancel or miss surgery, it's a serious headache for healthcare providers and surgery schedulers. Not only can a single missed surgery cost more than $7,100, but the wasted OR...
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June 23, 2022
5 Things to Look for in Your Surgical Scheduling Communications with Patients
A lot of complexities go into successful surgical scheduling. Practice staff must verify patient pre-surgical clearance with other physicians, coordinate the best OR time against competing cases and...
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May 3, 2022
Dos and Don’ts for Successful Surgery Scheduling Communications
An efficiently run surgical practice is vital for a positive patient experience and profitability. The quality of patient scheduling is central to this, and hospitals and ASCs are investing more in...
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April 21, 2022
Assessing the Efficiency of Block Surgery Scheduling—and Financial Impact
For hospitals and ASCs, operating rooms are an important source of revenue. But if your OR is not operating at peak efficiency, that vital profitability can leak away. This is why block scheduling is...
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April 7, 2022
5 Reasons Surgeries Get Canceled
Let’s face it: if you’re running a hospital operating room or an ASC, delays and cancellations are going to happen. There may have been a scheduling error or perhaps a mix-up with surgical equipment....
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March 24, 2022
6 Ways to Protect Your Surgical Scheduler—and Revenue
If you’re not worried about losing a valued scheduler, you should be. Less than half of surgery schedulers (48%) last more than two years in their position. For more insights on the ideal time to use...
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February 16, 2022
Is Your Surgery Scheduling Process Creating Unnecessary Risk? 3 Areas to Watch
Running a hospital operating room, an ASC or any medical practice comes with a host of complex challenges. Staying on top of information management is a constant exercise in multitasking—from...