AAOE 2023 | Orlando, FL | Speaker Dr. Dewan's Surgery Scheduling Tips for Success

AAOE 2023 | Speaker Dr. Dewan | How I Lost $200,000 Due to Poor Surgery Scheduling

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CaseCTRL attended the American Alliance of Orthopaedic Executives (AAOE) Conference in Orlando, Florida from April 20-23, 2023 and it was the best conference yet! The conference was a great opportunity for CaseCTRL to introduce its software to dedicated orthopedic practice management professionals, executives, administrators, and industry-specific vendors.

The CaseCTRL booth was a popular destination for attendees! The booth featured a giant-sized #SYTYCO (So you think you can operate?) Operation game, where attendees could win gift cards and prizes.

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CaseCTRL also had team members Nathan Rogers and Pamela Singh on hand to answer questions and cheer on the attendees. Many were interested in learning more about how CaseCTRL could help their practices improve their surgery scheduling processes.

Here are some of the benefits of using CaseCTRL surgical scheduling software:

  • Improved efficiency and productivity
  • Reduced costs
  • Improved patient satisfaction
  • Increased compliance
  • Better communication with patients and staff

Thank You, Current CaseCTRL Users!

It was great meeting new attendees, however, the highlight of the trip was getting to spend time with current CaseCTRL customers! Fun and laughs all around! 

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Dr. Dewan AAOE Speaker - How I lost $300,000 due to poor surgery scheduling

CaseCTRL's Chief Medical Officer, Ashvin Dewan, M.D., was a speaker at the conference. Dr. Dewan shared his own story and the lessons learned in optimizing his surgery case management. His session was designed to help practices streamline the ultimate surgical journey for both patients and staff.

Dr. Dewan's Key Takeaways covered how to: 

  1. Implement a data-driven surgical scheduling process
  2. Recognize the most common reasons for surgical case mismanagement
  3. Develop strategies to recover cases lost in the surgery pipeline
  4. Increase accountability and transparency for staff and stakeholders
  5. Maximize throughput with the ultimate patient and practice experience

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The Surgery Scheduling Recipe for Success

Dr. Dewan also shared his "surgery scheduling recipe for success," which includes the following elements:

  1. Posting Standardization: Create a standardized surgery posting process that ensures that all cases are posted in a consistent and accurate manner.
  2. Shared Workspace: Create a shared workspace where all stakeholders can access and update surgical case information.
  3. Auditing Progress: Regularly audit case progress to identify and address any potential issues.
  4. Communication Pathways: Establish clear communication pathways between all stakeholders involved in the surgery scheduling process.
  5. Case Confirmation: Confirm all surgical cases prior to the scheduled surgery date.

By following these tips, orthopedic and other surgical practices can improve their surgery scheduling processes and deliver a better experience for patients and staff. 

If you are a surgical practice looking for a way to improve your surgery scheduling process, contact us today at info@casectrl.com to learn more about how we can help you improve your practice!

Supercharge your surgical scheduling. See how caseCTRL can work for you. Show me a demo.
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